
Turkey sounds
Turkey sounds

turkey sounds

In the late 1920s, a hunter named Jim Radcliff, Sr., was bitten by a mad dog in Mobile, Ala. Lynch developed a way to make all box calls sound alike and to mass-produce easy to use calls. Although this technique sounds simple today, at the time no one else used such a revolutionary method. When he had these parts planed to the proper density, he glued each box together. Instead of taking one piece of wood and carving out the center, he planed–down individual pieces of wood to make them the same thickness. Lynch realized the lids, walls and bottoms of the calls needed some kind of uniformity. Then he made a breakthrough that changed the crafting of all box calls. When Lynch began to work with box calls, he thought of the problems and frustrations he had had with them.

turkey sounds

The turkey hunter who discovered a box call that made just the right sound considered it a treasure to guard well. Also, the thickness of the walls of the box varied greatly, as did the bottom of the call.

turkey sounds

However, in these early models, the lids, or paddles, rarely had the same thickness or density. The hollowed out box usually had some type of paddle that slid across the top and made clucks, whines, yelps and squeaks. However, this type of call had a built-in problem when anyone tried to make two box calls that sounded the same.Ī hunter who owned a fine box call realized he never might find another just like it. At that time, people generally whittled box calls out of cedar. Lynch Calls, developed a box call in the early 1900s. Lynch, of Homewood, Alabama, founder of M.L. In years past, avid turkey hunters often crafted cedar box calls. The hunter who masters the diaphragm or slate call has a better chance of killing a turkey than a fellow who rubs two sticks together until they squeak. Also, I can’t sell my voice, but I can sell turkey calls.” Just about anything that squeaks, squawks or cries can and will call a wild turkey, with some calls more effective than others.

turkey sounds

The late Ben Rodgers Lee, of Coffeeville, Alabama, once one of North America’s leading turkey callers and call manufacturers, utilized his voice when hunting gobblers long before he started crafting turkey calls.Īsked why he made turkey calls when he called toms so effectively with his voice, Lee responded, “I consider myself one of a small number of people who can successfully call a turkey with my voice. But even today, some proficient turkey callers use nothing but their voices to call gobblers. Although the human voice was probably the first device ever used to call a wild turkey, Indians and settlers sometimes called turkeys by blowing across briar leaves to make yelping sounds. The area just outside NYC at that time often held turkeys traveling in flocks of hundreds with some weighing 30 to 40pounds each. New York City in the mid-1700s held an annual Christmastime turkey shoot between where Park Row and the end of the Brooklyn Bridge lay today. A Massachusetts settler in the 1600s might see 1000 turkeys in a day close to his home. John’s Note: The early colonists found turkeys so plentiful that hunters didn’t have to call in the birds to take them.

Turkey sounds